Hey everyone my name is Justin Dando and this is my first blog for my audio career. Pretty daunting and exciting stuff but in this blog I'm going to quickly introduce myself and talk about my first project I have planned. So as of writing this I am 24 years old, I started my audio course at SAE in Brisbane in February 2018 and before that i was a chef. I did 4 years in the Royal Australian Navy where i got my trade and then i returned home to start this new career get into something I am a bit more passionate about. I really love good sound design and music as well, though i don't see myself becoming a composer, more of a sound designer and foley artist for movies and video games. Any way my first project I'm started this trimester is a musical one. My friend Tom and I are making a Horizon: Zero Dawn inspired combat sound track which we are both really excited about as we are big fans of the game. It's going to include a bunch of big drums, basy synth and tribal influences as well. We are also hoping to do a collaboration with another discipline at school hopefully graphic design or maybe even animation to add some visuals which we think would be really awesome.

We have our pitch due tomorrow which I've made a script and powerpoint for already and I'll cover that in next week's blog but i feel really good about this trimester. It's a welcome change to be able to pick our groups and projects rather than be told what to do and I'm really excited to get into some more post production type work as well like at the game audio club on Thursdays. Basically we learn from our school video game audio specialist and learn tools like Fmod and Unity and learn how to actually add sounds to video games rather than just hand them off to whoever needs them. This kind of outside the course learning is what i love about SAE and I'm excited to learn all i can. Anywho I've ranted long enough I'll see you all next week for a post pitch and early project discussion.